Today, the group was given the opportunity to go to Niagara Falls for the day. We were really excited and the night before, we were given tips and guidelines that we needed to follow when there.

For today we were asked to wake at 7 in the morning as the bus left at quarter to 8 in the morning.


Once at the bus station, we were on the road and the first stop we made a couple of stops to look at the views.


Before we were at the destination, we were given a chance to go up a building to see the place up top and the view was amazing.


Once done with the building, we were then finally at Niagara Falls, we were immediately went to the section where the operated the boats.

Once there we had to find a place to stand and for the next 20 minutes, we travel to and back on the water.

The sight up close was amazing and I could honestly spend the rest of the day just looking at it.

Once we were done, we were then given the chance to explore for a while before heading back on the bus to go back.


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